My Delight
I didn’t go far on my walk the other day when I saw
them all over the neighbor’s yard. They
were the golden ticket to 8 years old again.
I did what any graying, balding, senior-citizen discount eligible man
would do. I grabbed three of them. I felt rich.
I knew a spot.
Holding onto my new-found treasure made me feel
happy. I looked down at my hand and
smiled. I passed a couple of people
along the way. I closed my hand when I
went by them. No sense taking too big of
a risk at being found out. People talk
you know.
I finally reached Trout Creek Road and turned toward
the little bridge. By the way, the road
name is spelled c-r-e-e-k, but it’s pronounced c-r-i-c-k. If you don’t know that you’re probably not
from around here.
The water was rushing under the bridge about 15 feet
below me. Recent rains had the water
gurgling and giggling over the rocks at a pretty good rip. The morning was calm but a fresh breeze was
puffing every now and then – perfect. I
took one of my treasures and looked it over.
It looked flight-worthy. I gave
it a toss, up high into the air. It
arced up and then began to descend down toward the creek. It spun silently but wildly on the
descent. It didn’t make it all the way
down though – got swallowed up by a red dogwood bush. I tried the next one. It fluttered round and round, but as if it
didn’t want to get wet, it veered off to the side and landed on the
gravel. The third was indeed the
charm. I managed to throw it a bit
higher and it caught a little breath of breeze.
I watched it spin all the way down and as a bonus it landed in the water
without so much as a splash and I watched it get quickly carried around the
bend to who knows what next adventure.
I remember tossing maple seeds off of my grandmother’s
porch when I was a boy. It was the
perfect launch pad as there were 7 big steps up. That helped us get extra air. And there was no shortage of maple seeds in
mid-June. We even went down to get the
ones that flew the best to send them out and up and round and round again and
“You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the Lord, a royal diadem held by your God. No more shall men call you “Forsaken”, or your
land “Desolate”. But you shall be
called “My Delight” . . . for the
Lord delights in you.” (Isaiah 62:3-4)
I think God created maple tree helicopter seeds for
sheer delight. And He shares.
His Peace,
Deacon Dan
Photo by Annemarie Schaepman on Unsplash
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